How it works

Chat with your Biduzzer and book the best trip

Biduzz connects Travellers and Travel Professionals to plan, book and enjoy any kind of trip while making the most of any destination.


Open a chat and choose your biduzzer

Pick your destination and enter some relevant info like the number of travellers, dates, preferred services, maximum budget, so that we can find the perfect Biduzzer for you.


Get personalised quotes and discuss your plan with your selected biduzzer

You will get several detailed options while chatting with your Biduzzer. Should you need to clarify any details, your biduzzer will be happy to help you any time.


Book easily

Book the option that suits your needs best. You can pay with card or transfer. You can also pay in installments. We make things convenient for you and your trip.


Y tu Biduzzer también contigo en tu destino

Tu Biduzzer te acompaña también en destino para asesorarte y ofrecerte nuevos productos y servicios que puedes contratar estando ya en destino.

Are you ready for your next trip?

Try Biduzz now

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