Loyalty Programs

Boost your customer loyalty with a very innovative travel service

Boosting innovation to improve and create new services that attract mobile customers looking for a fully personalised service.

Innovative service at the service of brands

Biduzz LOYALTY is new concept in the travel industry, a very innovative way to sell travel on the Internet which is a perfect fit for big brands and companies to provide their customers and employees with services that improve satisfaction and build loyalty.

Personalised Omnichannel Platform

Biduzz adapts to the corporate identity of your brand and company, both in App and browser interfaces, adopting an approach that covers a wide range of user profiles.

End to end integration. Desktop and Mobile environments, corporate workflow with system-security encription.

Special deals on travel

Depending on the media plan and the goals of the campaign, Biduzz may provide a discount on the bookings' retail price.

Promo Codes to book

Special Promo codes offered by our Travel Agents in personalised communication context. Promo Codes and special discounts according to the following parameters:

  • Discuount amount
  • Applicable Travel Services
  • Minimum booking price
  • Period of validity

Code tracking and metrics report

Reedem points in bookings

Applicable to loyalty programs based on points accumulation where our travel agent network can facilitate the redemption of these points.

Travel giveaways and draws

A wide range of possibilities to carry out promotions like including filling out a survey, answering some questions while chatting or as a result of the cross-selling of other products and services.

Biduzz LOYALTY provides exclusive solutions to brands that need to optimise their integration and get a higher degree of personalisation in the platform, thus aligning it to their products, services and customer segments and profiles.

Payment gateway integration, point redemtion program, draws, financing gateway integration, insurance integration...

Free of charge

Biduzz LOYALTY provides big brands with complimentary services as long as a collaborative framework is defined between both parties, and the brand ensures to carry out a strong media plan that results in a win-win situation.

Would you like that your customers receive the best service when booking their travel?

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